Sunday, August 22, 2010

Good Drunk, Bad Drunk?

" I wished Mike would not behave so terribly to Cohn, though. Mike was a bad drunk. Brett was a good drunk. Bill was a good drunk. Cohn was never drunk. Mike was unpleasant after he passed a certain point. I liked to see him hurt Cohn. I wished he would not do it, though, because afterward it made me disgusted at myself. That was morality; things that made you disgusted afterward. No, that must be immorality." (p. 152)

I really don't understand how there can be such a thing as a good or bad drunk. I understand the point that Jake is making. However, I do not believe that a drunk is a good thing. Perhaps this is because of the culture I have been raised in, but it seems disgraceful, being drunk. The way that Mike behaves would be beyond belief, embarassing and sad. Even Brett, when drunk, makes such horrible decisions. So, I disagree with the thought process Jake goes through here. However, I did love the end of the quote, "That was morality; things that made you disgusted with yourself afterward." It makes sense. You know something is wrong because of how you feel afterward. In that, I feel states how being drunk is wrong as well.

THIS IS MY LAST BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHED! (just wanted to say that because I'm so glad I've finally gotten them finished. Essay time!)

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