Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lonely Hearts: Wendy Cope

I believe this poem is a satire over the all too frequently placed "Personal" Ads that are placed in the newspaper. Right next to people trying to sell their animals or furniture, there are people looking for love, to me, in all the wrong places. This poem exemplifies this by showing how in each article, the person wants something so specific. Yet, it is written, "Can someone make my simple wish come true?" However, this is not a simple wish, finding someone who so perfectly matches a vague and demanding article. There is also so much missing from the article, it seems hopeless that anyone could be found. What is worse, by saying, "Do you live in North London?" the narrator is limiting themselves even more. For, even if a person was "perfect" if they did not live in the right places, they wouldn't be right. I think the entire point to this poem is to show how love is something that must be actively searched for, not just asked for in an article that many will never read.

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