Thursday, September 23, 2010

Barbie Doll - Marge Piercy

I found this poem to be very affecting. It speaks volumes about the over-expectations of society today and of the harmful affects these expectations have. Everywhere we are surrounded by the media perception of the perfect woman. In the end, this perception is what does the girl in. Even though she is healthy and smart, no one appreciates her for those things. They only see what she lacks, or what doesn't meet the proper standards. In the end, she is considered to be "pretty" in the casket. To me, this symbolizes the belief that no one can be truly correct in society till they have undergone the knife and given up their true personality. Space for individuality is sacrificed for conformism. This poem explains how such "morals" are actually tearing down society and destroying the very fabric from which we are able to function the country. For, without those who are smart or talented in many ways, how can society truly function?

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